corporate company innovation collaboration people merger ideaBusinesses are in an age of persistent disruption. GC must lead their organizations though it.

Organizational resilience—the ability of an organization to resist, recover and adapt to business disruption to deliver on its objectives—has become a source of competitive differentiation. General counsel (GCs) have a vital role to play in enabling organizational resilience, but it will involve fundamentally redesigning the legal department to better navigate the business through disruption.

Persistent Disruption

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated and accelerated uncertainty along multiple dimensions. It has triggered seismic shifts in how we live, how we work, and what we expect from companies. The already existing geo-political, social and economic fault lines have only become more exposed. As a result, Gartner projects that over the next five years businesses will face an era of persistent disruption, leading to increased exposure to regulatory and reputational risks. Any stable "new normal" remains over the horizon.