Remote and hybrid work is the new normal, virtual desktops and online connections are suddenly standard, and flexibility in scheduling, working assignments, and operating/management models is now the baseline corporate operating reality. Welcome to the wild world of flexwork (also known flexible working), in which entire organizational workplans and even everyday workweeks will soon take on wildly creative shapes and forms, necessitating major changes to policy handbooks and corporate guidelines. With many of the world's largest, most well-established firms already shifting to at-home and distance operations and adopting a more employee- vs. employer-centric focus, it's clear that tomorrow's working world will look radically different than today's. As a result, companies need to drastically rethink how they design policies and programs to not only attract and retain top talent, but also maintain operations and grow their business in an age where (virtually) anything goes. Here's what you need to know about what's coming next for corporate America.

Why Flexwork is on the Rise