In Part I of this series, we provided an overview of how sophisticated document management technologies help drive legal productivity. In Part II of the series, we'll provide examples of how a Document Management System (DMS) can assist in enhancing security and compliance on the regulatory front.

First, understand that gaining layperson's knowledge of the different security concepts is only part of the equation for corporate law departments. Ensuring your legal providers are "doing enough," or sometimes, more specifically, doing what your individual legal department needs done within different practice areas, is equally important.

Furthermore, it's important to understand the lesson of Henry Clay—that compromise is generally both beneficial and essential to progress. At the ILTACON 2021 conference, I was fortunate to serve on a panel with two AM Law 200 Chief Financial Officers where we reviewed three case studies to identify best practices in presenting technical projects to legal leaders. One of the case studies was on security, and one of the key takeaways was that even if everyone in the room agrees a topic is of vital important (who wouldn't with security), there are often constraints (budgetary, resources, competing priorities, etc.) which require legal tech leaders to creatively address goals within the boundaries imposed on them.