If it seems like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are everywhere your point your news reader or Web browser these days, join the club. From Open AI's ChatGPT to Google's Bard, Microsoft's Bing, and Amazon's offerings, it's clear to many of us that the party is just getting started. Soon, in fact, legal industry meeting and event planners, and law firms of every size and industry, won't just be able to leverage smart and self-aware technology assistants to aid with tasks such as conference planning/organization, program design, and content development. They'll also be able to use autonomous AI "agents" like AutoGPT – capable of self-directing themselves to perform multiple steps in sequences and complete complex tasks without much human prompting – to aid with every facet of research, reporting, and planning corporate get-togethers.

Or, to put things in even more poignant terms: If you think the pace of change is rapid and rate of disruption is growing now? Just wait until you see what the next few months will bring to a host of different industries. After all, it's no coincidence that each passing week seems to deliver us new AI-powered advancements, as we move towards the inevitable future: A world where you'll soon be able to turn to AI-based services and tools for just about any professional need; activate and turn these solutions on or off with the flick of a switch as-needed; and one where AI routines are powerful enough to create their own new AI routines themselves.