This month's column is inspired by an amusing commercial for one of the job posting sites.  Cue a woman keyboarding away with a bored look on her face.  Then we are treated to an image of the woman's heart tearing itself out of her chest, marching into the boss' office, and resigning.  The tagline, of course:  "follow your heart."  I loved it.

We get resumes every day from dissatisfied attorneys.  Those are usually the people we cannot place.  So, my first reaction to the ad, once I stopped laughing, was to verbalize my cynicism.  To my friends around the chip and dip bowls, I announced, "there is no Santa Claus, you are not going to win the lotto, and, most certainly, there is no such thing as a dream job.  Well, at least not for you lawyers."  Yes, a lot of my friends are lawyers!  The reaction was general agreement, not protest.