The U.S. Chamber of Commerce was much in the news in 2010, when it put around $50 million into the midterm elections to help elect Republican congressmen and state legislators. Now the world’s largest business federation, which lobbies on behalf of more than 3 million businesses and local chambers, has named Lily Claffee as its new senior vice president, general counsel, and chief legal officer. Claffee fills a seat held by Steven Law , who left in April 2010 to become president and chief executive officer of American Crossroads, a new conservative political action committee based in Washington, D.C.

After working in Mayer Brown’s litigation department, Claffee was general counsel at the U.S. Department of Commerce and deputy general counsel at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, where she served under Secretary Henry Paulson. “It was a great place to work,” she says. At the time, the department’s role was evolving, she says. “Paulson was a Wall Street guy. What I saw was a brilliant guy who was getting the Treasury Department to be front and center,” says Claffee. At the start of the financial crisis, Claffee says, “a lot of us had a front-row seat.” She says that she is happy to now be back in a role where she’ll be dealing with many of the same weighty issues she faced in government service.

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