A couple of fridays ago, I got on my usual ferry heading home. I bumped into one of my commuting buddies, who was traveling with this guy he knew. My friend Gerard is a recording engineer, and a lot of our commuting conversations revolve around music and the antics of the producers he works with. (No, not that crashing plate sound! I want something crunchier but rounder!) His friend, who looked around the same age as us, was dressed down for Friday, and he fell easily into the conversation. We talked about guitars, MIDI controllers, and Apple Inc.’s app GarageBand, and how we wished that stuff had been around when we were kids.
I saw that guy again the following week. Only this time, he was wearing a crisp suit. We exchanged nods from across the boat, then he came over and introduced himself a little more formally, telling me about his day job this time. What followed was a friendly chat, and I’m sure it wasn’t intended to be on the record, so I won’t reveal who he is. But suffice it to say he’s a chief counsel at a sizable multinational corporation.
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