Workplace violence should be a major concern for all employers. It can happen at any time and ranges from verbal abuse to homicide—in fact, homicide is the fourth most common cause of fatality in the workplace, according to statistics from the Occupational Health and Safety Administration.

Experts at Chubbworks have put together a checklist for employers to help them prepare their businesses and employees for potential workplace violence. Here are some highlights:

  • Establish a zero-tolerance policy for workplace violence.
  • Establish a policy requiring all employees to report if they have taken out a restraining order against anyone, including providing a name and description or photo.
  • Make sure all visitors check in with security, if you have a security presence, and take notice of anyone coming or going.
  • If you see someone suspicious who does not appear violent, approach them and ask if you can assist them.
  • Provide employees with an emergency phone number to report any suspicious visitors or suspected criminal activity.