Facebook is now 10 years old, and attorney Jenny Tsay says that means it’s time to review the legal lessons this popular social media site has taught us.

She offers 10 tips in an entry on FindLaw’s Law & Daily Life.

1. “Cops use Facebook, too,” Tsay says. The information you post can be used to justify an arrest or as evidence.

2. Facebook “jokes” can be misinterpreted.

3. Photos can get you in trouble leading to arrests if they depict criminal acts.

4. A “like” can be protected by the First Amendment. Still, Tsay says, that doesn’t mean it won’t offend someone.

5. A “like” can’t be used for commercial purposes without consent.

6. Unwanted Facebook photos can be an invasion of privacy.

7. Facebook activity can get you fired. Don’t post offensive comments about clients and employers, Tsay warns.

8. Posts can affect your job prospects. Employers might not like what they see.

9. Facebook can impact divorce proceedings. Sharing bad feelings about your spouse can impact a judge’s decision on custody or alimony.

10. Quitters sometimes win. “With all the possible legal problems,” says Tsay, “maybe it’s time to just log off for good.”