Back in 2014, Olga Mack was an assistant general counsel eager to advance to a GC role. Mack figured she needed a mentor or two, so she joined the Women’s General Counsel Network (WGCN), a group where women working at legal departments could share advice. “I was looking for the model of someone like me, someone who I can find the path from,” Mack said.
Mack, who is now the GC at software sales company ClearSlide Inc., wants other women to have the same access to mentors that she did. So in 2016 she co-founded SunLaw, a group that provides networking and training opportunities. Unlike WGCN, which tends to limit its membership to women GCs, SunLaw is focused on women working in-house who are in the middle of their careers. SunLaw is led by Mack and local in-house lawyers Katia Bloom, Fatima Khan, Debbie Rosenbaum and Rebecca Savage, who work for ForgeRock, Airpush, AdRoll and Keen IO, respectively.
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