The best way to create a successful business process is to start by identifying the people who are key to both creating and managing that process, and then bringing those people together to do just that. That is especially true when it comes to critical business processes such as disaster recovery, business continuity, and data breach detection and response—all events for which organizations routinely form teams and create action plans to address.
Yet, even though legal events are often as unavoidable an eventuality as those mentioned above, and at least as disruptive as any of those events, most organizations fail to prepare and plan for legal events until the organization is knee-deep in the event and scrambling to react. That remains true, even though in many businesses today it is not if, but when, corporate counsel will need to guide the organization through a legal event. Organizations are well advised to think about and prepare for legal events in advance, and to take an approach similar to that used to address other processes.
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