Last week, CLOC (the Corporate Legal Operations Consortium) hosted one heck of an Institute in Las Vegas. You probably read a bit (if not a lot) of coverage of the events via your favorite ALM publications, or via other media, such as the Institute’s Twitter feed ( #CLOC2017). Since I published a “pre-meeting” look at the ops movement, I figured I should break with the long-standing tradition about not divulging what happened in Vegas in order to dish some takeaways post-meeting.

The meeting’s diversity of attendees, sessions and conversations defy easy categorization or simple assignment into buckets of like things. By trying to capture some general themes below for those who weren’t there, I don’t want readers to think that they now have the full flavor or content of the meeting. There were more than 70 sessions on several tracks of topics and the educational fervor was pretty fierce. So I encourage you to talk to your peers who were there, or take the initiative to make a much deeper dive into the nuances and specifics of each topic that the meeting covered that is relevant to your particular practice or interests. I know that CLOC will also likely post a number of resources created for the meeting on their website ( for you to digest at your leisure.

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