Ashley Hoff

Ashley Hoff

October 02, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Policies That Secure an Independent Justice Department

Corporate counsel should monitor the current election discourse over proposals that would impact the long-standing independence of the Department of Justice from partisan politics. Efforts of a new administration to reduce this traditional independence could potentially impact corporate and legal strategies on many levels.

By Michael W. Peregrine and Ashley Hoff

6 minute read

April 08, 2024 | Corporate Counsel

The Masquerade Ball: When Plaintiffs Mask Claims to Get Around a Lack of a Private Cause of Action

Whether a particular law provides for a private cause of action can have huge consequences for potential corporate defendants. Such a right opens the floodgates to plaintiffs, often represented on a contingency fee basis, asserting claims that may be meritless. The crushing wave of privacy class actions in recent years—made possible by the private causes of action in the underlying state privacy laws—shows what can happen.

By Richard Salgado and Ashley Hoff

5 minute read