With the holiday season upon us, we asked our readers for their ideas about what would make a good present for a lawyer. The answers ranged from books to briefcases to gadgets designed to make an attorney's hectic life easier. If you are stumped about what to buy for a colleague or friend, check out these suggestions from Connecticut attorneys.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones

My children gave me Bose QuietComfort 25 Acoustic Noise-Cancelling headphones years ago and I can't travel without them. They make it all so quiet on an airplane. Great for watching movies or listening to recordings on your phone. Sometimes, even when there is no entertainment system on the plane, I use them to reduce the background noise. They are good for talking on a cellphone, especially for long calls, making it “hands free” with good volume and sound clarity. They sell for about $299.

Dwight Merriam is a land use partner at Robinson & Cole and vice-chair of the Connecticut Law Tribune's Editorial Board

Voice Recognition Software

Ever since I broke my wrist while ice skating 10 years ago and was unable to type, I have become addicted to voice recognition software. You speak to your computer and the words appear on the screen. I use this for drafting emails, contracts and correspondence. And it's fun to watch the words flow onto your monitor as you speak. Dragon NaturallySpeaking—Legal retails for $799.99.

• Day Pitney partner David Swerdloff advises business clients on mergers, acquisitions and general corporate matters.

Black's Law Dictionary

For new lawyers, a gift that is an oldie but goodie is Black's Law Dictionary. “When I was a young lawyer I received a copy of Black's Law Dictionary and a briefcase as gifts,” said Vicki Hutchinson. She says that other good gifts for lawyers include: business card holders, pocket-sized recording devices to make notes during the day, and covers for tablets or laptops.