When noted Texas attorney Austin Tighe was sought to represent the Schaghticoke Tribal Nation in the tribe's $610 million lawsuit against Connecticut, he said he jumped at the opportunity.

As with other cases he's taken on behalf of Native American tribes seeking redress against the government, Tighe, 51, said he believes the case has clear merit. “I was attracted to this case based on three facts,” he said. “No. 1, the state took the Schaghticokes' land. No. 2, the state promised to pay for that land and broke that promise; and No. 3, the U.S. Constitution and the Connecticut Constitution require the payment of fair compensation for taking of land.”

The Schaghticokes claim the state seized 2,000 of the tribe's 2,400 acres of land in Western Connecticut from 1801 to 1918 without proper payment, and despite promises of compensation. For Tighe, issues related to the plight of Native Americans are something he holds close to his heart.