The editorial board of the Connecticut Law Tribune collectively wishes all of our readers many things for 2018. Below is a partial list:

  • We wish that we might find the political will to greatly reduce the number of guns in this country.
  • We wish the world's nations could unite in stopping genocide.
  • We wish that the world's saber-rattling authoritarians—especially those with a finger on the nuclear button—are guided to a peaceful path by civilization's nonviolent checks and balances.
  • We wish that given the opioids crisis, we can finally look at substance abuse as a public health crisis rather than a law enforcement or criminal justice problem.
  • We wish that 2018 is a year of respect for each other and of civility from our public servants.
  • We wish that we do not stumble into war with North Korea—unlike the war we stumbled into in 1898, this one would be neither splendid nor little.
  • We hope that America will once again welcome refugees fleeing from suffering and violence.
  • We wish we could find a way to provide legal representation for everyone who needs it but cannot afford it.
  • We wish that lawyers and judges continue to hold the United States to norms of equity, justice and the rule of law.
  • We wish for a time when truth is both recognized and revered, and falsity is recognized and denounced.
  • We wish Congress would reauthorize and find the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for the approximately 9 million children who benefited from the program.
  • We wish for the broad realization that America is at its greatest when we, as a nation, care for and protect the poor, the vulnerable, the elderly and the oppressed.
  • We wish that this year we can all listen to each other with compassion and understanding.
  • We wish for the return of the Hartford Whalers—while not as aspirational as the above, how great to hear again the sound of the Brass Bonanza!

We conclude with an excerpt from T.S. Elliot's Four Quartets, “Little Gidding,” as an inspiration for 2018:

… Last season's fruit is eaten.

And the fullfed beast shall kick the empty pail.

For last year's words belong to last year's language.

And next year's worlds await another voice.