The Connecticut Law Tribune is accepting nominations in 14 categories for the publication's sixth annual Professional Excellence Awards.

The deadline has been extended to Monday, Feb. 3, 2020.

New to the 2020 awards program will be two categories under the Innovation heading. Awards will go out both to solo practitioners/small firms and larger firms/corporate in-house legal departments that have made strides in innovation. This can include technology and communications, business or cultural innovations, including such improvements as renovations, remodels and consolidations.

Familiar categories including Lifetime Achievement and New Leaders in the Law awards will go out to Connecticut lawyers who have made historic strides or are making noteworthy marks early on in their careers to follow in the footsteps of these leaders. Nominees are accepted from law firms of all sizes.

Additional familiar categories include the popular Giant Slayer award for attorneys who have taken on formidable foes; Best Mentors who have earned praise, respect and devotion from younger colleagues; Distinguished Leaders who have laid the groundwork for continued success; and of course the coveted Attorney of the Year award.

The honorees will be recognized in special editorial sections and at the Connecticut Legal Awards gala dinner and reception in May 6, 2020, at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington.

Please visit this link for more information and to submit your nominations for the 2020 Professional Excellence Awards.

For more information, contact Connecticut Law Tribune Bureau Chief Michael Marciano at [email protected] or 646-957-3022.