LCD Elects New Officers, Welcomes New Members

The Connecticut organization Lawyers Collaborative for Diversity has elected a new slate of officers for 2020-2021, including President Gina Mazzariello of Bohringer Ingelheim and Vice President, who succeeds Robinson & Cole's John B. Lynch, Jr.

"I am honored to serve as LCD Board President for the upcoming program year," said Mazzariello. "I firmly believe the mission of LCD is an important part of the solution to address the issues of racial and social injustice our country, and our community, is facing." Mazzariello added she is confident LCD will make continued progress with recruitment, advancement and retention of attorneys of color in Connecticut.

For the 2020-2021 term, the group also named Deirdre Daly of Finn Dixon & Herling president-elect. Ginny Kim of Raytheon Technologies was elected treasurer and Marie Caroline Bertrand of Day Pitney was elected secretary.