Half a million Americans are dead; more than perished in World War II. Thousands who did not die are suffering long-term adverse health effects. The numbers of active cases are on the rise to perhaps between 100,000 and 200,000 a day. Our economy is a mess. All of this, but we still cannot get a handle on COVID-19 in its variant forms, at least in major part because of the anti-vaxxers; those who refuse to get vaccinated for any number of reasons, including a belief that this whole pandemic is some sort of evil government plot to strip them of their American rights.

The Centers for Disease Control, the president's health care advisers, our other state, local and federal officials all blunder around talking about masking, unmasking, social distancing and whatever your local corner witch doctor recommends, but there is one remedy to this crisis that all responsible medical experts agree on—vaccination.