The recent leak of a PowerPoint slide had the legal commentariat atwitter. The slide contained advice from a senior associate to their junior colleagues at a prestigious international law firm. This purported advice included:

  • "The client always comes first and is always right. If a client wants a mountain moved, we move it. No questions";
  • "You are 'online' 24/7. No exceptions, no excuses";
  • "Someone is paying $850+ for one hour of your time. Think about that in everything you do";
  • "No questions until you've tried to figure something out for yourself"; and
  • "'I don't know' is never an acceptable answer."

On behalf of the Connecticut Bar, we could respond, simply and staunchly: "No."

But for the benefit of Connecticut's burgeoning lawyers, we want to say more. So let's take this so-called advice in order.