With the meteoric ascent of ADR use throughout the country, we have seen a number of ADR “specialists” cited for their particular roles in ADR breakthroughs, achieving great visibility and much acclaim. Several groups of mediation enthusiasts have been singled out for praise and appropriately so. For example, a number of jurists have been honored for institutionalizing mediation and other ADR programs throughout the courts. Similarly, academics, corporate innovators and private ADR service providers have become the oft honored celebrities of mediation.

Since the beginning of the current ADR revolution however, one group of ADR practitioners has been flying under the radar, unnoticed by some, while quietly and efficiently achieving enormous successes in reducing conflict and bringing resolution to numerous disputes. This relatively small, but highly effective, group of mediation devotees has long been at work down in the trenches applying mediation where it is so sorely needed and where it really counts – in the community at large.

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