A patient safety group in Connecticut is pushing for a law that would require hospitals to track and publicly disclose cases of infections contracted in hospitals. The measure, according to the Connecticut Center for Patient Safety, could save hundreds of lives a year. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that infections acquired in hospitals kill more than 90,000 Americans every year. That’s more than die in car crashes and homicides combined.
A Connecticut motorcycle club is suing the town of Jamaica, Vt., and the county sheriff’s department for shutting down an August 2004 ride through the town. The suit filed by the Pathfinders Motorcycle Club claims the town and county sheriff’s deputies threatened to seize the riders’ motorcycles and sell them at auction if they rode in the club’s Red Fox Turkey Run. The club, which had held its 109-mile bike event in the area for several years before the 2004 event, claims deputies were ordered to enforce a town ordinance banning certain vehicles from class 4 roads before it became law. The group is being represented by New Haven lawyer William S. Palmieri.
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