While your competitors are lolling on the beach, take action to develop your marketing program and position yourself for the fall. Too many firms consider or act as though the summer is a vacation from marketing and, as a result, they forfeit stunning business development opportunities with clients, contacts and their own associates. Don’t get stuck to the pleather; knock the sand out of your shoes and move ahead. Fall is just around the corner. Here’s a short “to do” list.
1.) Perform client interviews. During a client interview, you engage in a conversation of discovery in three areas: (1) an evaluation of your performance: how did we do and how do we stack up against other professional service firms; (2) a look ahead together: what are your goals, how can we help you achieve them; and (3) a discussion of unique or specialized services the client may need and how each party can help the other through referrals, joint marketing ventures, such as conferences or speaking engagements, and the trading of networking contacts.
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