Two years ago, Connecticut was mortified to discover that its governor had been taking kickbacks from state contractors, not only for his political campaigns but also for his personal use. Having invoked the threat of impeachment to install a new governor, Jodi Rell, Connecticut today apparently is supposed to be mortified because the new governor’s chief of staff told state agency heads about a fundraising event for the new governor’s campaign, on-the-job politicking that was against the new governor’s formal policy, and may have asked some of the agency heads to encourage attendance at the fundraiser, which would have been against the law for them.

The discovery two years ago was met with months of lying denials and stonewalling, and it prompted the General Assembly’s appointment of an impeachment committee. The recent discovery was met within a few days with an apology from the chief of staff, her two-week unpaid suspension by the governor, and a criminal investigation.

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