Plaintiffs employment lawyers underuse defamation lawsuits as weapons.

I have been representing employees in wrongful termination and discrimination lawsuits for more than 20 years. This is a difficult area of the law which requires dedication, intelligence, creativity, relentlessness, skill and a little bit of luck. There are many complex laws which need to be understood and applied in order to effectively identify valid claims and litigate them toward successful results. There are state and federal discrimination statutes, state and federal retaliation statutes and myriad regulations and procedural rules that require a successful practitioner to be able to litigate in multiple forums. Recently. I have noticed that one of the most powerful weapons at the disposal of plaintiffs employment lawyers is perhaps one of the simplest. The common law of defamation can be one of the most effective ways to advance the interests of an employee who has been wrongfully terminated. Our firm has had a string of success using this often-ignored cause of action.

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