A New Milford attorney who stole about $113,000 from a couple who hired him when their home was going into foreclosure has been sentenced to two years in prison. Donald Wharton, 54, who has already begun serving his sentence, will remain on probation for five years after his release. He must also perform 250 hours of community service and make restitution.
The victims in the case, Domenico and Anna Spano of New Milford, had hired Wharton in an attempt to save their home. Anna Spano said the family doesn’t think a two-year sentence is long enough for Wharton. “We have been under constant stress,” she told the Law Tribune. “From week to week, we have had to worry about getting our bills paid. Thank God, we were able to keep our home. We ended up having to borrow money from family members. We hope he eventually makes restitution.”
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