South Florida lawyers who've been through the wringer of the U.S. Supreme Court know what relentless, ruthless questioning sounds like—and they tried their best to emulate it for a Hollywood attorney preparing for his first appearance before the nation's justices.

Three attorneys who've prevailed before the U.S. Supreme Court—Howard Blumberg, Harvey Sepler and Howard Srebnick—joined former Florida Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero and current Third District Court of Appeal Judge Vance Salter on a moot court panel Wednesday night in Miami.

The group was there to critique solo practitioner Asher Perlin, who will argue before the court Dec. 4 on behalf of American victims of a 1997 terrorist attack in Jerusalem. Iran owes a $71.5 million default judgment for sponsoring the attack. In Jenny Rubin v. Islamic Republic of Iran, Perlin will argue his clients should be able to collect funds through the seizure of ancient Persian artifacts loaned by Iran to the University of Chicago.