Florida Attorney General Pamela Jo Georgia Pam Bondi
  • Grandparents scam: Imposters pose as law enforcement officers or attorneys and call grandparents claiming that a grandchild is in jail, then demand payment—often through the purchase of gift cards from major retailers—to bail the grandchild out of jail;
  • Jury duty scam: Imposters pose as law enforcement officers and call or email a potential victim claiming that they have missed jury duty, directing the potential victim to pay immediately or be arrested;
  • Utility scams: Imposters claim to be from a utility company and threaten to turn off power, gas or water unless payment is made immediately;
  • IRS scam: Scammers pose as IRS agents and call or email potential victims, demanding immediate payment and threatening arrest; and
  • Charitable solicitation scams: Imposters pose as representatives of a legitimate charity or create a fictional charity in order to solicit funds.