Julie Talenfeld of BoardRoom PR. Julie Talenfeld of BoardRoom PR.

Every company, including law firms, has a brand. It is who you are, your image to the public. In this fast-paced world, sometimes we need to take a step back and revisit the message we are sending. Here are a few tips to make sure you are not falling behind in the Stone Age.

What's the message? Think about your messaging. Is your firm still focused on the same practice areas and serving the same purpose as you were when you first started? If not, it's time to reboot. Think of your goal. What do you want to achieve? Who do you want to target? Does your established marketing plan work well with it or will you need to implement a new public relations or advertising campaign? Do you want to increase your online presence? Come up with a plan that works best for your firm.

The 3 Cs. A wise person once said, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Your office is an extension of your brand. The vibe your atmosphere gives off can make or break a relationship. If your lobby is messy, what will that say to clients and referrals that come through the door? Everything should be consistent, clean and crisp.

Secure your social channels. If you have been reading my previous articles, you already know how important social media is, and if you have not been utilizing these channels, do it now. I cannot stress enough that social media is not just for keeping in touch with your distant aunts and cousins anymore. It is a quick and inexpensive way to grow your audience, share news and connect with stakeholders not only locally, but around the world. Revisit your content and make sure it is consistent with your brand and messaging. Do not just focus on articles. What are your attorneys doing? Share photos and video from networking events, firm gatherings and office parties. Show off your personality, share fresh, visual and consistent content and engage!

Speaking of video, did you know you can implement a video campaign on social media? Get creative. Do you have frequently asked questions or a topic you can really expand on? Consider a series addressing these concerns. It can be a weekly or monthly case law update, a Q&A on a certain topic, or a “getting to know the team” series. A Facebook Live is a useful avenue to take viewers through what is happening behind the scenes and interact in real time.

Keep it consistent. All of your collateral should be consistent. Whether a logo, tagline or colors, you want people to be able to recognize your brand anywhere. There is no need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to material you repurpose from your website to blog or social media, but it should be adapted to make sure it is appropriate for each platform. Tweets should be quick, blogs can break down the news with more details and social media, like everything else, needs visuals. Your website should have information on your services, your team and back links to other parts of your website that are referenced. Most importantly, accurate and easy to find contact information should be on everything you hand out.

Call in the experts. A massive reboot can be overwhelming. Don't be afraid to call in the professionals. A lot goes into a change that people don't always think about. Do you need new web text? A new logo? A new theme? It's not as easy as you think. Professionals are in this situation every day. They know trends, and from experience, what works and what does not. A quick consultation with a marketing firm can get you on the right track.

Slow down. Don't rush the process. This will take time. With the amount of time, energy and money you are putting in, you want to make sure the changes you make are exactly what you want. Brands aren't born. They go through rounds and rounds of revisions. Change can be scary but it is necessary for survival.

Julie Talenfeld is the president of BoardroomPR, an integrated marketing and PR firm based in South Florida. She can be reached at [email protected]