Jorge Piedra, Jorge Piedra, managing partner with Piedra & Associates. Courtesy photo.


Attorney Jorge Piedra has defeated Fowler White Burnett partner Alice Sum in a runoff election for the fourth of seven Florida Bar board of governors seats dedicated to the Miami-Dade Circuit.

The final vote tally was 1,750 to 1,382.

The runoff was triggered when the March general election ended in a tie with each candidate garnering 1,270 votes.

Alice Sum Alice Sum

Piedra is a commercial litigator and managing partner of Piedra & Associates. He is also the former president of the Cuban American Bar Association. In his platform, Piedra advocated for, among other things, fair wages for state attorneys and public defenders,  regular town halls between the board and bar members, and embracing racial and gender diversity.

Sum called for affordable CLE opportunities, resources to help members keep up with changing technology and better mental health services.

Piedra will be sworn in for his two-year term at the bar's June convention. He is replacing retired board member Deborah Baker-Egozi.

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