If there’s a single defining feature of José Latour’s legal career, it’s travel. Whether it’s freely moving between different disciplines and areas of specialty or trekking around the globe, the Havana-born business immigration attorney has never been one to stay tied to a single job or home base for long. When Latour caught up with the Daily Business Review in May, he had recently returned from a retreat for one of his newer roles, namely, serving on Audubon Florida’s board of directors.

“A lot of people think ‘Oh, you’re in the Audubon Society, you’re a birder?,’” Latour shared, taking great care to emphasize he’s not a particularly avid bird enthusiast. “I’m interested in all animals, but what drew me to Audubon was the agenda, especially the water agenda.” Speaking on the environmental organization’s work concerning water quality, climate change and attempts to “negotiate that perpetual balance between the demands of society and the environment,” the attorney said he’s found himself among good company.