
A woman with Asian features wearing a face mask is attacked in the New York subway by a young man who is videoed screaming "diseased b—–." A 59-year-old Asian man is kicked from behind and knocked down on the street, also in New York, by a teen who allegedly yelled "f—ing Chinese coronavirus" as he attacked. A pupil of Chinese heritage in Miami-Dade County is teased by her classmates as "eating bats," reducing her to tears.

The above were widely reported in legitimate media, except the last, which I know of from a witness. They are not workplace anecdotes, but here are a couple from my own personal knowledge:

Search Twitter for "Lysol coworker" and you'll get a never-ending stream of people complaining that they should spray their work area, that they want to spray their coughing co-worker, or that they have themselves been sprayed by a rampaging colleague with an aerosol. Employees demand that their boss send another employee home because that person's child attends a large school where a worker's teen child might have been exposed—not infected, just exposed —to COVID-19 on a cruise.