Loy Loy "Tony" Haynes, Spiritus Law

Loy A. "Tony" Haynes, former chief of the National Revenue Center at the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, joined Spiritus Law in Coral Gables as a federal regulatory consultant.

Haynes, who is not an attorney, has worked with the firm's legal team following a 32-year career with ATF, where he headed what's now the Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau.

In his new position, he will support the firm's federal regulatory practice as alcohol producers and distributors encounter new regulatory issues ranging from COVID-19 business interruption issues to related operational changes.

Haynes' experience includes advising on licensing and compliance matters about alcohol manufacturing, importation and distribution.

"Tony has worked with members of our team for over 20 years, and we welcome him back full time." said Robert F. Lewis, the firm's co-founding partner. "Our ongoing collaboration has always resulted in innovative solutions for our clients, and we hope that formalizing our relationship will facilitate communication and execution of client objectives as we realize the new normal within our industry and adjust to shifting client needs."

Haynes has helped with federal licensing and permit processing, trade practice investigations and excise tax auditing. He also helped draft rulings, industry circulars, and policy and procedure papers that are still in use.

He has experience with the qualification and maintenance requirements for federal permits, compliance matters and the resolution of administrative cases resulting from federal investigations in the liquor and firearms industries.

The firm's website lists four attorneys and three non-attorney consultants.