Accounting isn't a forte normally associated with attorneys, who tend to prefer the intricacies of a well-crafted legal brief or a compelling courtroom argument.

Joe Pack is different. He graduated first in his class at the University of Florida while earning a dual bachelor's and master's degree in accounting and has been working in the realm since 14.

"As opposed to what you see all the time, 'Well, I can't read a balance sheet. I am a lawyer.' Not for me," Pack said. "You want to throw a 200-page balance sheet at me for a Fortune 50 company that has international operations and has a consolidated balance sheet across subsidiaries and companies and has transactions among countries and in between countries with tax treaties? I can handle it. I can do it. Give it to me. You'll never catch me saying, 'That involves numbers. I can't handle it, I am a lawyer.' "