A little over three years ago, we spearheaded the opening of two lactation rooms at the George E. Edgecomb Courthouse in Tampa. From the outset, we knew it was imperative to recount our experience and encourage others to follow or pave their own similar path. Years later, this mission still rings true. While courthouse lactation rooms are peppered throughout the state, and have received significant recognition in past years, there is still plenty of work to be done before every Florida courthouse can boast this necessary accommodation. In fact, according to the Courthouse Lactation Room Directory maintained by the Florida Association for Women Lawyers, only 29 of the 147 state courthouses in Florida currently have dedicated lactation rooms. In recognition of National Breastfeeding Month, here are our 10 easy steps to open a lactation room.

1. Determine Whether Your Local Courthouse Has a Lactation Room.