Jerry P. Brodsky of Peckar & Abramson. Jerry P. Brodsky of Peckar & Abramson.

Regional maps of Latin America with COVID-19-related information show a multi-colored tapestry reflecting different impacts from the pandemic and conditions in different countries, not unlike the multiple colors on maps of the United States used to reflect COVID-19-related conditions in various states and regions. Similarities among North, Central and South America also exist in key drivers of COVID-19 in particular locations, such as public health response, enforcement and compliance with public health guidelines, laws, rules and regulations, as well as social, political, cultural and economic factors.

The infrastructure and construction sectors in the United States are regulated by the federal government, by the governments of each of the 50 states and within each state, by municipal and local governments. The existence of 50 independent state regulatory schemes in the United States is sufficiently analogous to Latin America, where each country regulates infrastructure and construction within its borders, to allow for meaningful comparisons and contrasts between the impacts of COVID-19 on the infrastructure and construction sectors in the United States and Latin America.