The folks in Washington might learn a thing or two about civility and professionalism by watching the manner in which our local court system operates. Day in and day out, lawyers from different cultural, socioeconomic and religious backgrounds gather in courtrooms across South Florida to engage in proceedings that are by their very nature, adversarial. And yet voices are rarely raised; tones are nearly always tempered; and instances of name calling in open court are virtually unfathomable. Signs of disrespectboth to opposing counsel and the court are simply not tolerated. Whether it is plaintiff versus defendant, petitioner versus respondent, or creditor versus debtor is of no consequence. Our local lawyers treat one another with respect. In fact, some of the most effective lawyers in town also happen to be the most pleasant. If there is one thing to learn from their success is that one need not be abrasive to win cases. You really do attract more bees with honey.