Lauren Melissa Alperstein of Boies Schiller Flexner. Courtesy photo Lauren Melissa Alperstein of Boies Schiller Flexner. Courtesy photo

As the world adapts to a new normal, while still facing the daily challenges of living in a pandemic, it is important to remember that many communities are still struggling through the lasting effects of the COVID-19 crisis. In Broward County alone, thousands of residents in our most vulnerable communities are facing eviction, bankruptcy, unemployment and countless other legal challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. Access to legal services for individuals in need is more important than ever.

In this dire time, I urge my colleagues in the legal field to take action by supporting the Legal Aid programs in Broward County during National Pro Bono Month in October and during the nationally celebrated Pro Bono Week Oct. 24 through Oct. 30. Focused on moving forward in a post-pandemic world, this year's National Celebration of Pro Bono, or skill-based volunteer work at no cost, recognizes the invaluable efforts of those utilizing their knowledge and expertise to help our community, and encourages others to take part in this important mission.