After a COVID-19-induced hiatus, the Miami-Dade Bar hosted its first major in-person event, as more than 250 guests gathered at the Mandarin Oriental for its 105th installation of new leadership. Scroll right in the photo gallery to see more pictures.  Sabrina Puglisi of criminal defense firm Puglisi Law is the bar's new president, flanked by vice president Suzette Russomanno of litigation firm Hamilton, Miller & Birthisel. And this year, for the first time, both the president-elect and president-elect of the Young Lawyers Section belong to the same firm — Miami boutique firm Haber Law. Shareholder Roger Slade is next in line for the presidency, while associate Tiffany Disney will take the Young Lawyers Section baton. "This marks a significant moment for the MDB and YLS to come together for greater collaboration," Slade said. "We are looking forward to a new chapter of leadership and continued growth." Charise Morgan-Joseph of Zurich North America is secretary, and Stuart Weissman of medical malpractice and personal injury firm Ratzan Weissman & Boldt is treasurer. One of the awards was named after former Daily Business Review president Sookie Williams, who died in 2019. The award recognized the key players of Miami-Dade Circuit's jury trial task force, established in response to the pandemic. The winners included: Attorney Stuart Ratzan, Chief Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Nushin Sayfie, former Chief Judge Bertila Soto, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jennifer Bailey, attorney Jude Faccidomo, Dr. Zinzi Bailey, Dr. Kenneth Ratzan and Dr. Hansel Tookes. "It was pleasure to experience the installation of our board and Young Lawyer directors, as well as the presentation of our most prestigious award, the David Dyer Professionalism Award given to Judge Steven Leifman and Melba Pearson," Puglisi said. "In addition, we honored the judges, lawyers and doctors from the Jury Trial Task Force. Their commitment and leadership toward ensuring a safe return to jury trials during the pandemic is the reason they have been given our Sookie Williams Outstanding Community Service Award." Read more:

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