Michael A. Hersh of Kelley Uustal. Courtesy Photo Michael A. Hersh of Kelley Uustal. Courtesy Photo

The world is clearly more efficient and digitally connected than ever before. We all bent and adapted to survive the pandemic. Social circles got smaller and we kept our dearest close. We dealt with the rest of the world through a computer screen. In business, we changed, tightened up our systems and, as trial attorneys, learned to handle hearings, depositions, mediations and client meetings from afar, while we waited for jury trials to resume. But we undoubtedly all still craved human connection.

COVID proved flexibility was essential to overcoming this global crisis, and any crisis for that matter. 2021 however demonstrated the need of valuable people on your team to allow you to in fact thrive during a crisis. Our firm shared the same challenges as most businesses did when returning to in-person this year. Employees came to enjoy working remotely and some were skeptical about the safety of the workplace. Again we adapted and created policies and procedures to open and engage safely.