In Florida, a party may appeal from a final judgment and from a strictly construed list of nonfinal orders specified in Rule 9.130, Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure. Other nonfinal orders may be immediately reviewable by common law certiorari if the exacting standards for such petitions are met. Until recently, the long-standing rule has been that a party may not obtain immediate appellate review of the merits of an order granting or denying leave to amend to plead a claim for punitive damages. Instead, such review had to await final judgment. But, beginning April 1, such orders may be appealed immediately as a matter of right. In a recent decision, the Florida Supreme Court amended Rule 9.130 of the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure to permit the immediate appeal of orders granting or denying a motion seeking to amend a complaint to assert a claim for punitive damages. See In re Amend. to Fla. R. of App. Proc. 9.130, SC21-129, 2022 WL 57943 (Fla. Jan. 6, 2022).