Oscar A. Gómez of EPGD Business Law. Courtesy photo Oscar A. Gómez of EPGD Business Law. Courtesy photo

As the Great Resignation wave that started in 2021 is still among us, the United States is seeing more and more entrepreneurs in all aspects of the economy. For those that are contemplating jumping on the resignation bandwagon and taking the entrepreneurial route in 2022—"go for it but know what you are getting into." COVID-19 and remote work provided a pause for most in the workforce to look inward and decide if they were happy at their current job or wanted to do something else. That is a good thing. Happier people = more productive people.

Oftentimes the legal aspect of going from being an employee to being your own boss is unintentionally overlooked. The key to ensure a smooth transition from corporate to small business owner is "planning and research."