It’s no secret that the labor market is truly insane right now. Among a seemingly infinite list of disruptions to our “normal” world, the COVID-19 pandemic has also initiated “The Great Resignation,” which refers to the 47 million individuals who left the workforce during these past two years. These folks simply had to make hard choices and prioritize other factors during this tumultuous time: whether it be childcare, mental health, caretaking or something else entirely. And with the new norms of our COVID world in play, many businesses have had an extremely difficult time filling the gap left in the Great Resignation’s wake. At present, there are currently 11 million jobs open in America, nearly the most in our history.

So if you’ve got job openings you’re hoping to fill with the best and brightest in your industry, how do you remain competitive in attracting top talent? Here are my tips for how to score the best and the brightest in this unprecedented labor shortage.