The American justice system is plagued with nuclear verdicts®, and it's only worsening. Irrespective of fault, the justice system was built to be fair to both plaintiffs and defendants, however, nuclear verdicts are unfairly punishing defendant corporations and businesses. As part of their new reality, defense attorneys have no choice but to implement new strategies to prevent nuclear verdicts from happening to their clients. This article is a part of a series of articles that will give tips and strategies to combat nuclear verdicts.

What Are Nuclear Verdicts?

Nuclear verdicts are defined as verdicts that are disproportionate, unreasonable, or outrageous given the factual circumstances of a case. These verdicts are often illogical and fueled by a juror's emotions. For instance, we have seen a recent spate of $1 billion verdicts throughout the country in certain personal injury cases where there was only a single plaintiff!