There are more than 100,000 lawyers licensed in the state of Florida and in South Florida alone we have 17,000 lawyers. Most practicing lawyers are busy "lawyering," which to many of us means representing clients, billing, networking and participating in our firm's administration. In other words, we are all busy looking out for our own and our families' financial security. There is nothing wrong with that. With all that on our plate, it is often difficult to find the time or energy to join or serve on voluntary bar organizations or perform community service.

Throughout my 30 years as a practicing lawyer, I have learned that we all have a unique opportunity to be more than just successful lawyers. We can be part of a bigger picture and serve our profession and our community, while at the same time, fulfilling our obligations to our clients and firm. I am often asked why I choose to serve on voluntary bar organizations and how that impacts my life and career. Most lawyers, especially younger lawyers, join to create referral networks and originate business, which is a valid and savvy business practice. Some lawyers—present company included—also serve as a way of giving back to the community, creating and nurturing relationships that turn into friendships, with the bonus of potentially forging relationships that could lead to business opportunities. In my younger years, I certainly fell into the former category, of focusing solely on my practice.