Unlike other types of alimony, permanent alimony theoretically continues indefinitely until the receiving spouse remarries, dies or enters a supportive relationship. Florida has been a stalwart supporter of permanent alimony despite numerous attempts to change state law. It is one of six states where permanent alimony may be awarded in a dissolution proceeding, but now, after nearly a decade of lobbying efforts, Floridians may finally be saying goodbye to permanent alimony. Currently working its way through the Florida Legislature is Senate Bill 1416. Considering the expressed support from both Democrats and Republicans, the collaboration of the Florida Bar's Family Law Section, and support from practitioners throughout the state, it appears a new statutory scheme will go into effect July 1, 2023, significantly impacting future monetary obligations between divorcing spouses.

The reform legislation makes significant changes to the concepts of "short," "moderate" and "long" term marriage and the kinds of alimony that can be awarded in each type. The legislation identifies factors for the courts to consider when awarding alimony, such as the anticipated needs and necessities of life of each party after entry of the final judgment, the physical and mental condition of parties, and their ability to use or obtain requisite skills to support themselves gainfully, and any disabilities (short or long-term) that affect a party or the children for which a party will become the caregiver. While permanent alimony disappears, bridge-the-gap, rehabilitative, and durational alimony remain and may or may not be awarded to each type of marriage, depending upon the circumstances. The reform legislation further creates formulas to guide the outer limits for support awards.