Jodi Furr Colton, with Brinkley Morgan. Courtesy photo Jodi Furr Colton, with Brinkley Morgan. Courtesy photo


Florida's New Alimony Law

Florida's Alimony statute, Fla. Stat. 61.08, has been revamped by the Florida legislature. The newly enacted law was opposed by many out of concern for the detrimental impact it may have on women who have not worked during their marriage or who have worked in a limited capacity or at a lower-paying job to focus on child-rearing or support of the other spouse's career. The new law was signed by the governor on June 30, 2023, and took effect on July 1, 2023. The statute makes broad changes regarding various aspects of alimony, including the criteria for modification. This article focuses on how the changes will affect initial alimony determinations.