Brooke Mesner of Ratzan Weissman & Boldt. Courtesy photo Brooke Mesner of Ratzan Weissman & Boldt. Courtesy photo

In the realm of professional growth, the importance of initiating mentorship connections cannot be overstated. But as more firms have embraced remote and hybrid working arrangements, it's become increasingly harder to recreate organic "water cooler moments" between mentees and mentors.

Kimberly Boldt of Ratzan Weissman & Boldt. Courtesy photo Kimberly Boldt of Ratzan Weissman & Boldt. Courtesy photo

While this poses a challenge, it also has its benefits. In no other environment would I be able to have Kimberly Boldt, a partner at Ratzan Weissman & Boldt (RWB) in Miami, Florida as a mentor while I reside in San Diego, California.