I truly love being a lawyer and believe it is an amazing profession that comes with nearly unlimited opportunities. But these opportunities don't originate out of thin air. In fact, many take years or even decades to develop and often can be traced back to a particular group or initiative you were involved in over the years. If you work at perfecting your craft, are involved in the community, and build meaningful relationships, you will see returns without ever looking for them.

Being a young lawyer is somewhat tricky as we need to work on the three things mentioned in the prior paragraph—all at the same time. Perfecting your craft is hard enough when you're just learning how to practice law. Now throw in volunteering time with local bar associations or nonlegal community groups and you might feel overwhelmed. Trying to build meaningful relationships while figuring out the practice and taking an active role in the community might seem impossible. But I'm here to tell you that it is possible—it just takes time.