The ink has dried, the separation is final, and you are moving on. However, as Mother's Day approaches, the reality of being a single parent may start to sink in. Whether your children are with you part-time, or you have sole custody, the first Mother's Day post-separation can be emotionally challenging. Despite your circumstances, there are ways to find joy and celebrate this special day, whether you're with your children or not.

As with all difficult situations, it's important to acknowledge and embrace your feelings. It's normal to experience a mix of emotions on Mother's Day, especially if it's your first one alone after a divorce. You may feel a deep sadness or grief for the change in your family dynamic, especially if you have happy memories of celebrating this day with your children and former spouse. Give yourself time to feel these emotions fully; don't suppress them. Remind yourself of your strength and resilience as a woman and mother. It might not seem obvious, but you have the strength to face this day and find joy in it, even if it looks different from what you had imagined or experienced.